Куратор homebrew GC/Wii
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Snes9x GX
Эмулятор консоли SNES / Super Famicom, основанный на PC-версии Snes9x 1.52
Описание Эмулятор SNES для Gamecube/Wii
Тип Эмуляторы
Автор Tantric, michniewski
Дисплей Auto PAL/NTSC, 16:9
Версия 4.1.8
Скачать Здесь
Исходники Доступны
Полная поддержка Homebrew Channel
Доступно в Homebrew Browser
Загрузка игр
Языковые патчи
Неофициальные сборки/модификации
Лист изменений
4.1.8 - April 9, 2010
4.1.7 - April 9, 2010
4.1.6 - March 30, 2010
4.1.5 - December 23, 2009
4.1.4 - December 2, 2009
4.1.3 - November 30, 2009
4.1.2 - October 7, 2009
4.1.1 - September 19, 2009
4.1.0 - September 16, 2009
4.0.9 - July 22, 2009
4.0.8 - July 9, 2009
4.0.7 - June 30, 2009
4.0.6 - May 30, 2009
4.0.5 - May 26, 2009
4.0.4 - April 30, 2009
4.0.3 - April 23, 2009
4.0.2 - April 22, 2009
4.0.1 - April 13, 2009
4.0.0 - April 4, 2009
009 - January 27, 2009
008 - December 24, 2008
007 - November 19, 2008
006 - October 15, 2008
005 - September 23, 2008
004 - August 5, 2008
003 - July 25, 2008
002 - July 21, 2008
001 - July 12, 2008
Fix auto-save bug
4.1.7 - April 9, 2010
- Freezing issue fixed
- Core timing fixes, should solve some problems with some games
- Most 3rd party controllers should work now (you're welcome!)
- 7z crash fixed
- GameCube only - DVD/SD Gecko fixed (thanks emukidid!)
- Translation updates (German and Dutch)
- Other minor changes
4.1.6 - March 30, 2010
- New core! Updated to Snes9x 1.52. Old save states will not work!
- DVD / USB 2.0 support via IOS 202. DVDx support has been dropped. It is highly recommended to install IOS 202 via the included installer
- Multi-language support (only French translation is fully complete)
- Thank you to everyone who submitted translations
- SMB improvements/bug fixes
- Minor video & input performance optimizations
- Now uses .srm files without "Auto" appended, if found
- Added option to disable crosshair
4.1.5 - December 23, 2009
- Changed default folders to snes9xgx/roms and snes9xgx/saves. Old folders will be automatically moved to the new location
- File browser now scrolls down to the last game when returning to browser
- Auto update for those using USB now works
- Fixed scrollbar up/down buttons
- Minor optimizations
4.1.4 - December 2, 2009
- Fixed SMB (for real this time!)
- Fixed snapshot loading regression
4.1.3 - November 30, 2009
- Fixed SMB
- Added separate horizontal/vertical zoom options
- Improved scrolling timing - the more you scroll, the faster it goes
- Fixed reset button on Wii console - now you can reset multiple times
- Minor code optimizations
- Reduce memory fragmentation - fixes out of memory crashes
4.1.2 - October 7, 2009
- Revamped filebrowser and file I/O
- Many, many other bug fixes
4.1.1 - September 19, 2009
- Fixed black screen bug
4.1.0 - September 16, 2009
- Text rendering corrections
- SMB improvements
- Built with latest libraries
- Video mode switching now works properly
- Other minor bugfixes and cleanup
4.0.9 - July 22, 2009
- Fixed "No game saves found." message when there are actually saves.
- Fixed shift key on keyboard
- Text scrolling works again
- Change default prompt window selection to "Cancel" button
4.0.8 - July 9, 2009
- Faster SMB/USB browsing
- Last browsed folder is now remembered
- Fixed controller mapping reset button
- Fixed no sound on GameCube version
- Directory names are no longer altered
- Preferences now only saved on exit
- Fixed on-screen keyboard glitches
- SRAM auto-saved on power-off from within a game
- Prevent 7z lockups, better 7z error messages
- Increase cheats limit from 30 to 150
- Cheats no longer effect next game loaded - they are cleared properly
4.0.7 - June 30, 2009
- Fixed auto-update
- Increased file browser listing to 10 entries, decreased font size
- Added text scrolling on file browser
- Added reset button for controller mappings
- Settings are now loaded from USB when loading the app from USB on HBC
- Fixed menu crashes caused by ogg player bugs
- Fixed memory card saving verification bug
- Fixed game savebrowser bugs
- Miscellaneous code cleanup/corrections
4.0.6 - May 30, 2009
- Fixed SD/USB corruption bug
- SMB works again
- GUI bugs fixed, GUI behavioral improvements
4.0.5 - May 26, 2009
- Improved stability
- Fixed broken SDHC from HBC 1.0.2 update
- Fixed issues with returning to menu from in-game
- Add option to disable rumble
- Auto-determines if HBC is present - returns to Wii menu otherwise
- Fixed Super Scope turbo button issue
- Miscellaneous bugfixes
4.0.4 - April 30, 2009
- Improved scrollbar
- Built with more stable libogc/libfat
- Fixed rumble bug in filebrowser
- Added confirmation prompts
- Fixed settings saving glitches
4.0.3 - April 23, 2009
- Settings resetting glitch fixed
4.0.2 - April 22, 2009
- GameCube controller home trigger fixed
- USB support fixed
- More stable SMB support
- Corrections/improvements to game saving/loading
- Video mode corrections
- hq2x filter no longer crashes hi-res games on unfiltered/filtered modes
- Corrections to cheat file parsing
- Super Scope turbo now activated when holding Down button
- Settings are now saved when exiting game menu settings area
- Super Scope pause button now works
- Invalid VRAM access is now allowed - should fix some homebrew games
- New video mode selection in menu (forcing a video mode is not recommended)
4.0.1 - April 13, 2009
- Fixed turning off autosave in menu
- Keyboard fixed, more keys added
- Fixed 7z loading from DVD
- Enable auto loading and renaming of SRAM save without "Auto" in the name
- PAL resolution fixed - no more letterboxing
- File browser scrollbar box now draggable, arrow buttons now scroll list
- Better handling of multiple on-screen wiimotes
- Menu restructured - new "Game Settings" menu
4.0.0 - April 4, 2009
- New GX-based menu, with a completely redesigned layout. Has Wiimote IR support, sounds, graphics, animation effects, and more
- Thanks to the3seashells for designing some top-notch artwork, to Peter de Man for composing the music, and a special thanks to shagkur for fixing libogc bugs that would have otherwise prevented the release
- Onscreen keyboard for changing save/load folders and network settings
- Menu configuration options (configurable exit button, wiimote orientation, volumes)
- Configurable button mapping for superscope, mouse and justifier
- New save manager, allowing multiple saves and save browsing. Shows screenshots for Snapshot saves, and save dates/times
- Experimental hq2x filter, contributed by michniewski
009 - January 27, 2009
- Faster SD/USB - new read-ahead cache
- Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
- Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes
- Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc
- Code cleanup, other general bugfixes
008 - December 24, 2008
- Fixed unstable SD card access
- Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only)
- Auto-update feature (Wii only)
- Rewritten SMB access - speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only)
- Improved file access code
- Resetting preferences now resets controls
- Fixed "invalid file size" error on smaller games (eg: Space Invaders)
- Fixed hangup in Super Mario RPG
- Minor bug fixes
007 - November 19, 2008
- added: SDHC support
- added: SD/USB hot-swapping
- added: zoom saving
- added: IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
- added: Qoob modchip support (thanks emukidid!)
- added: Added console/remote power button support (Wii only)
- added: Added reset button support - resets game (Wii only)
- changed: Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same folder as the DOL - eg: apps/vbagx/settings.xml (Wii only)
- fixed: swc, sfc file support
- fixed: inverted sound channels
- fixed: some game crashes
- fixed: snapshot saving for games with SPC7110, BS, DSP, or CX4
- fixed: justifier support
- fixed: superscope turbo button
- fixed: widescreen support
- fixed: ActRaiser 2 issues
- fixed: Invalid memory accesses in C4 and OBC1. MMX3 Toxic Seahorse stage now can be emulated with HDMA. (zones)
- fixed: Updated snapshot to prevent desync. Added some variables related to APU and HDMA. (gocha)
- fixed: zoom issues (thanks eke-eke!)
- fixed: original modes (thanks eke-eke!)
- fixed: vertical scaling for filtered/unfiltered modes (thanks eke-eke!)
006 - October 15, 2008
- added: 480p for GameCube
- added: Sound sync
- added: 7z support
- changed: Faster SD/USB access (readahead cache enabled)
- fixed: Video offset issues
- fixed: BS-X games work now
- fixed: Wii DVD works now
- fixed: DVD re-enabled for GameCube
- fixed: Nunchuk analog stick issues
- fixed: Many crashes, memory leaks, etc
- added: Video shift options
- changed: Turn DVD motor off option re-enabled for GameCube
005 - September 23, 2008
- added: Superscope/mouse/justifier support, with Wii remote
- added: 3 render modes - Original, Filtered, Unfiltered
- added: widescreen compensation option
- added: DVD support on the Wii (note that many users are currently reporting problems loading from DVD- fixed in next revision)
- changed: zoom - limited range, added reset zoom option
- added: now uses SNES 1.51 core (thanks to eke-eke for help with this)
- added: cheats menu! Loads .CHT file from /snes9x/cheats folder, .CHT file name must match file name of ROM
- added: load/save preference selector. ROM, SRAM, Freeze, and preferences are saved/loaded according to these
- added: preliminary Windows file share loading/saving (SMB) support on Wii: You can input your network settings into snes9xGX.xml, or edit s9xconfig.cpp from the source code and compile.
- added: 'Auto' settings for save/load - attempts to automatically determine your load/save device(s) - SD, USB, Memory Card, DVD, SMB
- added: ROM Information page
- added: Game Menu - all game-specific options are here now: SRAM save/load, Snapshot save/load, game reload, etc
- added: Credits page
- fixed: sd gecko works now
- fixed: full USB support
- changed: menu structure
- changed: preferences are now loaded and saved in XML format. You can open snes9xGX.xml edit all settings, including some not available within the program
- changed: if Home button is pressed when a game is running, Game Menu pops up
- changed: if preferences can't be loaded at the start and/or are reset, preferences menu pops up - remove to save your preferences!
- changed: SRAM load - game reloaded automatically after loading SRAM
004 - August 5, 2008
- added: option to disable AA filtering (snes graphics 'crisper', AA now default OFF)
- added: mapped zooming and turbo mode to classic controller
- added: preliminary usb support (loading)
- changed: sram and freezes now saved by filename, not internal romname. If you have multiple versions of the same game, you can now have srams and freezes for each version. A prompt to convert to the new naming is provided for sram only.
- changed: by default, autoload/save sram and freeze enabled
003 - July 25, 2008
- added: alphabetical file sorting
- added: background logo/backdrop + nicer menus
- added: scrolling in ROM selector
- fixed: switching between pal/ntsc ROMS doesn't mess up timings
- fixed: GC controller config works now
- fixed: freeze autoloading on ROM load
- fixed: zipped ROMS should now load in a reasonable time
- fixed: precompiled dols for autosaving to various locations (see readme)
- changed: GC default quickload slot (to sd) (thanks kerframil)
- changed: default load/save dirs are now "/snes9x/roms" and "/snes9x/saves/" (thanks kerframil)
- changed: Classic X and Y defaults aren't switched
- changed: if autosave is enabled, it doesn't ask to save SRAM anymore. It is saved in the background.
- updated README
002 - July 21, 2008
- added: classic and nunchuk support
- added: all controllers can now be configured
- added: GC version (untested)
- changed: mappings are no longer stored in SRAM, but in config file. This means no per-game configurations, but one global config per controller.
- one makefile to make all versions. (thanks to snes9x143 SVN)
001 - July 12, 2008
- compiles with latest devkitppc (r15)
- now uses libfat (can use front sd slot on wii)
- updated menu items a bit
- wiimote support
- fixed: autoload sram/freeze
- fixed: rom plays immediately after loading
Сообщение отредактировал drugold - Суббота, 15.05.2010, 11:01
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Сборник вопросов и ответов по Wii (Wii-FAQ)
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Подключаем USB-Flash, USB-HDD к Wii