Homebrew Channel
Homebrew Channel - самообновляющееся хомбрю приложение-загрузчик от Team Twiizers, позволяющее пользователям загружать homebrew приложения без необходимости каждый раз запускать эксплойт. После установки канала, он становится доступен пользователю из меню Wii. Он может запускать homebrew c SD/SDHC карты, USB носителя или через TCP/USB Gecko, используя Wiiload.
Описание Загрузчик homebrew приложений для Wii
Тип Загрузчики
Автор Team Twiizers
Версия 1.0.8
Скачать Hackmii installer
Исходники Закрытый код
Используя Twilight Hack или Bannerbomb (Универсальный способ)
Предполагается, что "Twilight Hack" или "Bannerbomb" уже установлены на вашей Wii;
- Загрузите установщик по указанной в описании ссылке;
- Распакуйте архив, найдите "installer.elf" и переименуйте в "boot.elf";
- Положите файл "boot.elf" в корень вашей SD карты;
- Запустите "Twilight Hack" или "Bannerbomb", и разрешите загрузку установщика;
- ЧИТАЙТЕ ОТКАЗ от ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ! Ваша Wii не должна брикнуться при установке HBC. Однако, Team Twiizers не несёт ответственности за ваши действия;
- Нажмите "RESET" на вашей Wii.
Используя DVD-образ и чипованую консоль с прошивкой <=3.2 (Быстрый способ)
- Данный способ требует чипованую консоль с прошивкой ниже или равной 3.2. И не будет работать с прошивкой 3.3 и выше! DVD-образа HBC-1.0.3 нет, поэтому установите HBCb8 и затем обновитесь.
- Требуемый DVD-образ зависит от региона Вашей консоли!
Используя установленный ранее загрузчик неподписанного кода
Если у вас уже установлена предыдущая версия Homebrew Channel или иной канал, который может загружать неподписанный код, вы можете использовать их, чтобы установить последнюю версию.
Конфигурирование программ

Лист изменений
- General USB improvements for all IOS versions, this fixes the regression introduced in version
- USB2 support through IOS58.
- New title id to circumvent its deletion by System Menu 4.3.
- New look from our favorite pixel artist drmr.
- Both views now show five rows of application entries.
- On-NAND settings.
- HBC now has the HW_AHBPROT flags set for direct hardware access, thus replacing DVDX.
- Ability to not reload IOS when launching an application.
- USB access is more stable, thanks to tueidj
- Fixed the retry mechanism for the network initialization.
- Fixed some rare hangs upon launch and exit (Hopefully all of them).
- Freeze fix
- Some other minor hiccups
- Added support for System Menu 4.2
- Faster startup.
- Prefer boot.elf over boot.dol when launching apps.
- New shiny fonts, tweaked to the last subpixel.
- Widescreen support :
If your Wii is set to 16:9 in the system menu options, HBC won’t stretch the picture like it did on older versions. Unfortunately the fonts might look a little weird then, it really depends on the used display unit. Blame the lack of true widescreen support on the Wii for that.)
- Grid view :
Hit 2/Y while browsing applications to switch between the old and the new view. This shows 4 columns on 16:9 setups, 4:3 users only get 3.
- Device hot-plugging :
You can remove and insert devices (front SD slot, USB mass storage, and SDGecko in both slots) at all times now without reloading HBC. To change to another device, hit 1/X to bring up a simple option dialog.
- Application sort order :
You can now choose how to sort the shown entries. Current options: either by the name or by the release date. Note that for the latter sort order a valid release_date tag has to be present in the meta.xml file. Again, hit 1/X for the options dialog to set this.
- wiiload overhaul :
On-the-fly compression: Uploaded files are automatically compressed on PC side: This makes it way faster, especially on bigger files. Improved USBGecko support: Faster uploads, and you don’t have to stop reading debug messages from the device while uploading files. libftdi support: Because ftdi-sio fails, especially on OSX. Note: Because of these improvements, older wiiload version and 3rd party upload clients are incompatible. Use the bundled v0.5, binaries and source code are included.
- Basic application management :
To add apps: Just wiiload a ZIP archive, it will then get extracted to the active device. The ZIP file must be structured in a certain way, check this description for the details. To delete apps: There’s a new button on the application dialog.
- Fix the POWER button bug with BootMii IOS
- Turned HBC upside down for those who modified the contents of the HBC or installed it using a "wad manager"
- SDHC cards are working again
- SD performance has been increased again (regression was introduced in v1.0.2)
- HBC works on all system menu versions now
- Fixed rare hangs when exiting HBC
- Translation added for "Launch BootMii" button
- Added "Launch BootMii" button (only for BootMii IOS version) to home menu
- Compatible with 4.0
- USB support added
- Wii's front power button now shutsdown the wii
- Fixed B button issues
- Wiimotes now keep the ordering from the System Menu (libogc)
- Hopefully fixed the USB Ethernet Issues
- Fixed wiimote auto-shutdown (libogc)
- Hopefully fixed "video after shutdown" Issues (libogc)
- Changes to () -> *
- meta.xml now handles all ISO-8859-1 characters properly
- Wiimote power button support (shutdown)
- Wiimote rumble honors system setting
- Fixed some crash bugs
- Fix meta.xml UNIX style newline regression
- All wiimotes work now, not just the first one
- Classic Controller support
- Nunchuk support (scroll only)
- Guitar Hero 3 guitar support
- Left and right change pages too
- Hit 1 on Wiimote for net reload (like net icon click or GC Z)
- Add information to installer
- Fixed some networking issues with net disabled
- Pushed in some text to avoid overscan crop
- Widened video width to match system menu ("black bars" fix)
- B returns from app screen (unless scrolling)
- Try to initialize network earlier
- Retry network init a few times
- Fix a networking issue (libogc)
- Reload stub now identifies itself (magic number)
- Support broken HTTP proxies in update check
- Show IOS revision in main menu
Beta 9
- Installer / updater now works with the October 23 update
- SDHC support
- REALLY fixed the memcard bug
- Installer now picks newest sane IOS, fixes some beta8 regressions
- Added a reload button (for SD card changes)
- Return to system menu skips warning
- Fixed some graphical glitches
- Compliant ELF loading code
- Saner XML load code
- Many fixes to underlying stuff in the newer libogc
Beta 8
- you don’t need to eject your memcards anymore
- switched from IOS35 to IOS21, this makes the hbc usable on older firmwares
- improved SD card loading performance (thanks, svpe!)
- improved some translations
- the IP label isn’t cut off anymore
- fixed argv support when loading SD apps
- fixed a minor wiiload issue
- the SD app entries are now sorted alphabetically
- wiimote rumble support
- installer overhaul, it now warns you if your System Menu is too new (future updates)
Beta 7
(Initial Public Release besides chainloader)
- minor bugfixes and last GUI updates
- more translations
- ISO distribution
- first public beta
Beta 6
- GUI overhaul chapter two
- translations
- wiimote dragging on memo widget
- auto disconnect wiimote after idle time
- various fixes
Beta 5
- GUI overhaul chapter one
- IR pointer smoothing
- improved argv support
- fixed bugs introduced with wiimote code
- fixed update bugs
- SD card is scanned for boot.dol then boot.elf
Beta 4
- wiimote IR cursor
Beta 3
- flicker fix
- stable wiimote libraries
- argv support
Известные проблемы
Вопрос: захожу в HBC, а он вверх ногами, это как понимать?
Ответ: необходимо установить непатченный IOS61 программой DOP-Mii, и переустановить HBC.
Вопрос: установщик выдаёт сообщение "No vulnerable IOS found", что делать?
Ответ: воспользуйтесь DOP-Mii чтобы установить непатченный IOS30 v1040.
А. Эйнштейн